3 Ways You Can Improve Your Home Comfort In The New Year

Improving your Binghamton, New York home’s comfort is the best resolution you can make this year. A more comfortable home will benefit your entire family all year round by keeping you warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Plus, many home comfort upgrades also improve energy efficiency, which can save money on your energy bills.

Insulation Man is here to help you make your home as comfortable as it can possibly be. Today, we’re sharing the top three services we recommend if you want to solve issues like poor indoor comfort, cold drafts, cold floors, high humidity, and temperature inconsistencies between rooms.

1. Schedule a Home Energy Assessment

If your house is never quite comfortable but you’re not sure why, then scheduling a home energy assessment is the first step you should take. An energy assessment is a comprehensive assessment of your home’s insulation levels, air leakage, and HVAC equipment to figure out what’s causing your home comfort issues so we can recommend the right solution.

Insulation Man is a certified energy assessmentor in Binghamton, New York. We use thermal imaging to find gaps in your insulation and blower door testing to measure air leakage. With the data we collect during your home energy assessment, we’ll be able to diagnose the root cause of your home comfort issues and recommend the most appropriate and cost-effective solutions.

2. Upgrade Your Home’s Insulation

A poorly insulated home will never be comfortable enough. Insulation works by holding heat in during the winter and blocking it out during the summer. If you don’t have enough insulation, or if your insulation is damaged, heat will constantly be escaping and infiltrating your home. Not only does this make it impossible to maintain a comfortable temperature, but it is also a huge waste of energy.

Upgrading your insulation will have a drastic impact on your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. Insulation Man is also a local insulation company in the Binghamton, New York area, and we can help with new insulation for your entire home. We install spray foam insulation and cellulose insulation, both of which offer excellent performance and protection against heat transfer.

3. Air Seal Your Attic and Basement Rim Joists

Small gaps and cracks around your basement rim joists and in your attic can be a huge source of discomfort for your family. In the winter, hot air will rise up into your attic through any opening it can find and escape out of your home. This creates a vacuum effect that sucks cold air in through openings around your basement rim joists. In the summer, the process is reversed, with cool air escaping through the basement and hot air coming in from the attic.

Air sealing your attic and basement with spray foam puts a stop to this process. It is one of the most affordable and effective ways to improve comfort and reduce energy loss. The EPA estimates that homeowners can save an average of 15% on their heating and cooling costs by air sealing their homes and adding insulation to the attic and floors over crawl spaces or accessible rim joists.

Solve comfort issues in your home in 2023! Call 607-775-3035 or contact us to get started.

Make your home as comfortable as possible.

Schedule an energy assessment today.


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